Rarity Possibilities
Each of the physical traits that pets can have has a rarity level. The probability of having a physical trait determines this level. The rarity levels and the possibility of having these levels are listed in the table below.
Rarity Level of the Part | Possibility |
Legendary | 5% |
Epic | 8.7% |
Rare | 15% |
Uncommon | 26% |
Common | 45.3% |
The rarity level of a pet in the Pethereum metaverse is shown in star format between 1 to 5 star. Rarity levels and stars are shown in the table below.
Rarity Level | Star |
Legendary | 5 |
Epic | 4 to 4.9 |
Rare | 3 to 3.9 |
Uncommon | 2 to 2.9 |
Common | 1 to 1.9 |
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